Leo Muscato Tickets | 2025-2026 Tour & Event Dates | GoComGo.com

Leo Muscato Tickets


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16 May 2025, Fri
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Cast: Anastasia Bartoli , Andeka Gorrotxategi , .... + 5
18 May 2025, Sun
Cast: Anastasia Bartoli , Andeka Gorrotxategi , .... + 5
20 May 2025, Tue
Cast: Anastasia Bartoli , Andeka Gorrotxategi , .... + 5
22 May 2025, Thu
Cast: Anastasia Bartoli , Andeka Gorrotxategi , .... + 5
View Tickets from 126 US$

28 people looking at this moment

24 May 2025, Sat
Cast: Anastasia Bartoli , Andeka Gorrotxategi , .... + 5
View Tickets from 126 US$

Booked 5 times today


He stu­died Lite­ra­ture and Phi­lo­so­phy at La Sapienza Uni­ver­sity in Rome. During his Uni­ver­sity years he joi­ned the com­pany of Luigi De Filippo and plays in the shows Non è vero ma ci credo, Qua­ranta ma non lo dimo­stra and La let­tera di mamma.

He has sta­ged a lot of shows, inclu­ding: Il viag­gio di Alice by Eve­lina San­tan­gelo for the Festi­val Palermo di Scena, Soli­tu­dine by Beppe Feno­glio, played by Beppe Rosso at the Tea­tro Sociale of Alba, La 12ª Notte by Wil­liam Sha­ke­speare at Cor­tile Pla­ta­mone in Cata­nia, Terra dei mira­coli his text was sta­ged at the Tea­tro Franco Parenti in Milan and Rosso Mal­pelo, an dra­ma­ti­za­tion of Verga’s work at Tea­tro Arse­nale in Milan.

From 2005 to 2008 he was arti­stic direc­tor of the com­pany Leart’-Teatro with which he rea­li­zed his PROGETTO RI-SCRITTURE sta­ging Romeo & Giu­lietta / NATI SOTTO CONTRARIA STELLA based on Sha­ke­speare, Casa di bam­bola / L’ALTRA NORA based on Ibsen and Gab­biano / IL VOLO based on Che­kov. In June 2007 the Natio­nal Asso­cia­tion of Thea­tre Cri­tics assi­gns CRITICS AWARD 2007 as Best Direc­tor.

Then he direc­ted and desi­gned the sets for Aria Pre­ca­ria, the last show of come­dians Ale & Franz, was per­for­med at Tea­tro Sme­raldo in Milan, Tutto su mia madre of Samuel Adam­son, dased on Pedro Almodovar’s film, pro­duc­ted by Tea­tro due of Parma and Tea­tro Sta­bile del Veneto, Moliére a sua insa­puta his drama from Moliére with Paolo Hen­del, Due di noi of Michael Frayn with Lunetta Savino and Emi­lio Sol­frizzi, Tro­iane of Euri­pide, Com­me­dia degli errori of Sha­ke­speare with Peppe Barra at Estate Tea­trale Vero­nese.

In Novem­ber 2009 he made his debut as oper direc­tor: he sta­ged at the Tea­tro Pon­chielli in Cre­mona a dip­tych com­po­sed of La voix humaine by Cocteau/Poulenc and I Pagliacci by Leon­ca­vallo, pro­du­ced by Opera Cir­cuito Lom­bardo. In som­mer 2012 he has sta­ged: La Bohéme in Mace­rata, La fuga in maschera a co-production of Festi­val Pergolesi- Spon­tini of Jesi and Tea­tro San Carlo in Napoli, Nabucco in Cagliari and Sas­sari.

In 2013 he debut with Enron of Lucy Preb­ble, pro­duc­ted by Tea­tro Due of Parma and Bal­letto Civile and Forse tor­ne­rai dall’estero a text of Andrea Mon­tali, pro­du­ced by Tea­tro Sta­bile di Bol­zano. In the same year he won The Pre­mio Abbiati as Best Stage Direc­tor of the sea­son 2012. From some years he enga­ged in research aimed to explore the various pos­si­bi­li­ties of expres­sion of the four main regi­sters of inter­pre­ta­tion: TRAGICO, DRAMMATICO, COMMEDIA and COMICITÀ.

Among his recent and future enga­ge­ments: I Masna­diari at Verdi Festi­val in Parma, L’Africaine at La Fenice, Nabucco and Il Cam­piello at Tea­tro Comu­nale in Flo­rence and Trie­ste Rigo­letto in Rome, La Bohème in Mace­rata and Bre­scia, Le Braci in Flo­rence, Un Ballo in maschera in Malmo and Rome and Rosmunda in Ber­gamo.

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