Francesco Micheli Tickets | 2025-2026 Tour & Event Dates |

Francesco Micheli Tickets


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22 May 2025, Thu
Composer: Pietro Mascagni , Ruggero Leoncavallo
25 May 2025, Sun
View Tickets from 130 US$

Latest booking: 1 hour ago

29 May 2025, Thu
View Tickets from 122 US$

24 people looking at this moment

12 Jun 2025, Thu
View Tickets from 122 US$

Latest booking: 17 minutes ago

12 Jul 2025, Sat
View Tickets from 139 US$

Booked 10 times today


Born in 1972 in Ber­gamo, gra­dua­ted in Modern Lite­ra­ture and at the Scuola d’Arte Dram­ma­tica Paolo Grassi in Milan.

He starts his acti­vi­ties as assi­stant of the stage direc­tor for the regio­nal opera cir­cuit in Tuscany and Lom­bardy and for the Wexford’s Festi­val.

He debu­tes as stage direc­tor with Nic­colò Piccinni’s La Can­ta­rina sta­ged for the Sala Museum. In the same year he col­la­bo­ra­tes with Aslico for the pro­ject Opera Domani with Gluck, Mozart, Massenet’s Ope­ras sta­ged in Flo­rence and Venice.

He is author of lots of new inno­va­tive works, half way bet­ween con­cert and show: he wants to create a new lyric thea­ter. In this pro­ject he col­la­bo­ra­tes with a lot of opera hou­ses, rea­li­zing W Verdi in Reg­gio Emi­lia, Da Vivaldi a Paso­lini and Da Verdi a Mina in Como and Diva in Ivrea.

In 2008 he directs a new sta­ging of I pun­ti­gli delle donne for Per­go­lesi Spon­tini Festi­val, Tana a Can­dro­go­poli in Mon­te­pul­ciano and sta­ges a media event dedi­cate to Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia in Pesaro co-produced by Ros­sini Opera Festi­val and Sky. He write I Musi­canti di Brema’s libretto and also sta­ges it at Tea­tro dal Verme in Milan, then he sta­ges Syl­vano Bussotti’s last work, Sil­vano Syl­vano, for The Acca­de­mia di Santa Ceci­lia in Rome, Il Turco in Ita­lia in Vicenza, Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia and Alice nel paese delle mera­vi­glie in Palermo.

In 2009 he wins the pre­sti­gious Abbiati Prize for Best ini­tia­tive of the year with Bianco Rosso e Verdi, pro­du­ced by Tea­tro Mas­simo in Palermo. Since many years he’s author for Reg­gio Emilia’s Opera Off, an expe­ri­men­tal opera Festi­val with per­for­man­ces, les­sons, con­fe­ren­ces and spe­cial tele­vi­sion pro­jects, inclu­ding Le ragazze della via Gluck (from Orfeo ed Euri­dice and the saga of Ifi­ge­nia), Il Mare (from Simon Boc­ca­ne­gra), Viva Verdi (from Nabucco to Ernani and Don Carlo), Sha­ke­speare vs. Verdi (from Mac­beth, Otello and Fal­staff), Da Verdi a Mina (from La Tra­viata and Il Tro­va­tore).

He sta­ges also Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette in Verona, with a great suc­cess of public and cri­tic, then La Bohème at La Fenice in Venice and again in April 2012 and February 2013. He will be back in Venice with a new pro­duc­tion of Otello, then on tour in Japan in July 2013; he will also stage Otello in the Cour­tyard of the Doge’s Palace in Venice. His recent enga­ge­ments are Sogno di una notte di mezza estate with the Phi­lhar­mo­nic Orche­stra of Tea­tro alla Scala with Tea­tro Elfo Puc­cini; Clau­dio Ambrosini’s Il Kil­ler di parole based on a novel by Daniel Pen­nac, sta­ged also at Opéra Natio­nale de Lor­raine in Nancy. Bet­ween recent and future enga­ge­ments in opera: Adriana Lecou­vreur in Nice, Aida in Mace­rata and Bei­jing, Pagliacci in Sao Paulo, Can­dide in Flo­rence, Semi­ra­mide in Halle, Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia in Athens and Bolo­gna, Lo spec­chio magico in Flo­rence, Così fan tutte for As.Li.Co.

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