Davide Luciano Tickets | 2025-2026 Tour & Event Dates | GoComGo.com

Davide Luciano Tickets


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17 Mar 2025, Mon
Composer: Gaetano Donizetti
Cast: Bryn Terfel , Nadine Sierra , .... + 3
19 Mar 2025, Wed
Cast: Bryn Terfel , Nadine Sierra , .... + 3
21 Mar 2025, Fri
Cast: Bryn Terfel , Nadine Sierra , .... + 3
Last-Minute Tickets Only from 258 US$

Latest booking: 2 hours ago

Metropolitan Opera , New York
15 Apr 2025, Tue
Composer: Gioachino Rossini
3 Jul 2025, Thu
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Cast: Susanna Mälkki , Bavarian State Orchestra , .... + 5


Davide Luciano was born into a musi­cal family in Bene­vento and began play­ing the piano and seve­ral music instru­ments, such as per­cus­sions, bass and clas­si­cal gui­tar. At the age of 19, he was encou­ra­ged by his father to pur­sue vocal stu­dies under the gui­dance of M° Gioac­chino Zar­relli, one of the clo­sest stu­dent of the great Rodolfo Cel­letti. At the same time, he atten­ded some master­clas­ses with Marco Berti, Alfonso Anto­niozzi, Ste­fano Gian­nini, Tiziana Fab­bri­cini, Daniela Bar­cel­lona and Dome­nico Cola­ianni.

At the age of 24 he ente­red his first com­pe­ti­tion, As.Li.Co, and obtai­ned the Award of Best Debu­tant. He made his debut as Papa­geno (Die Zau­ber­flöte) in the pro­ject Opera domani..

He was selec­ted to per­form Don Pro­fondo in Il viag­gio a Reims at the Ros­sini Opera Festi­val after having atten­ded the Acca­de­mia Ros­si­niana in Pesaro direc­ted by M° Alberto Zedda. He won the third edi­tion of Pre­mio inter­na­zio­nale di canto lirico Santa Chiara in Napoli and was awar­ded the First Prize and the People’s Choice Award.

He is taking part in the Cir­cuito Lirico Lombardo’s pro­duc­tion of L’Italiana in Algeri at the Thea­tres of Pavia, Bre­scia, Cre­mona, Como, Novara and Ravenna where he is sin­ging both roles of Haly and Tad­deo.

His recent and future enga­ge­ment: Conte Robi­son in Il Matri­mo­nio segreto at Spo­leto Festi­val, his return at ROF in Pesaro as Haly in L’italiana in Algeri, Lepo­rello in Don Gio­vanni at Muni­ci­pal of Sao Paulo, Figaro in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia and Lord Cecil in Maria Stuarda at Deu­tsche Oper Ber­lin, Pacu­vio in La pie­tra del para­gone at Théâ­tre du Châ­te­let in Paris, Lepo­rello in Don Gio­vanni at Nor­ske Opera in Oslo, Figaro in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia at Terme of Cara­calla, Sil­vio in I pagliacci in Sao Paulo, Figaro in Le nozze di Figaro at Tea­tro Real of Madrid, Nothin­gam in Roberto Deve­reux at Deu­tsche Oper Ber­lin where he also appe­ars as Figaro in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia, Bel­core in L’elisir d’amore, Mar­cello in La bohéme and in the lea­ding role in Don Gio­vanni, Mala­te­sta in Don Pasquale at La Fenice, Ger­nando in Jommelli’s L’isola disa­bi­tata at San Carlo in Nea­ples, Figaro in Il Bar­biere di Sivi­glia in Dre­sden, Batone in L’Inganno felice at ROF, again Figaro in Il bar­biere di Sivi­glia in Sevilla, Malta, Venice, Ber­lin and Dre­sden, the title role in Le nozze di Figaro at the Glyn­de­bourne Festi­val, Guglielmo in Cosi fan tutte in Oslo, Macro­bio in La pie­tra del para­gone at the ROF. He will also take part in the pro­duc­tions of Il viag­gio a Reims as Don Alvaro in Cope­n­ha­gen and as Don Pro­fondo at Deu­tsche Oper and of Le nozze di Figaro as Conte again in Ber­lin and as Figaro in Mar­seille. In 2018 he will debut at the Metro­po­li­tan Opera in New York.

He is fol­lo­wing his stu­dies with M°Gioacchino Zar­relli

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